Monday, February 2, 2009

The Oath

Battlestar Galactica - Episode 4.13

If the last two episodes were about the emotional impact of finding an Earth in ruin and the planting of seeds for things to come, "The Oath" is the action packed fallout. It may be easy to feel a little out of sorts due to the dramatic tone switch, since the previous hours were so character heavy. Still, I think this episode had a lot to offer and gave us a sense that things will never be the same. Then again, doesn't almost every other episode of BSG do that?

Here's some lessons learned from watching "The Oath":

1. Always keep an eye on the guy who's in charge of ship-wide operations like co-ordinating damage control and communications. Gaeta was in the perfect position to keep the deception up while at CIC. Given the fact that he's been at that job for years and has always been loyal, no one suspected anything suspicious was going on until it was too late.

2. Always keep an eye on the guy who's in charge of keeping the ship running. Tyrol's knowledge of the ship was a game changer for the Adama/Roslin camp. It was was good to see that he is still loyal to the old man even after the revelation that the chief is a Cylon.

3. Hell hath no furry like a Vice President scorned. Unlike Gaeta, Zarak knows that once you commit to an act of rebellion or terrorism, you go all the way. Unfortunately, the lesson was also learned by a deck chief on the business end of a wrench.

4. Do not frak with Starbuck. The woman will kill you dead. It was sooooooo good to get the Kara Thrace we all know and love back. She was shooting people in the head and throwing her tongue down Lee's throat... just like old times.

5. Do not underestimate two old guys that have been working together for decades. Watching Adama and Tigh, take out their captors was classic. They got to go out in a blaze of glory at the end of the hour, Wildbunch style, too. Hopefully, the guys make it through cliffhanger shoot 'em up.

6. Once everyone finds out that you're related to the folks that committed genocide, moving out of the neighborhood for a while might be a viable option. It was sad to see Sam get duped by Seelix, given that they had a brief relationship. Also, things aren't looking too hot for Caprica Six, Hera, Athena, and Helo. To make matters worse, one of the Pegasus "Yee-Haw" Boys wants to get back at Helo for Thorne's death, by taking it out on Sharon. This will probably end with Helo throwing another person's head against and exposed bolt.

7. People can come together when they realized that they're just as screwed up as the next person. It was great to see Roslin and Baltar come to an understanding and look for ways to end the mutiny. Baltar's cult has been nicely set up as a fourth faction (if you count Adama/Roslin's group, Zarak/Gaeta group, and the Cylons as the others). Baltar's plea to Gaeta was handled really well, too. It was a solid mixture of fear and a genuine concern for the ending of violence.

The previews lead me to believe that things are going to go from bad to really bad. Roslin is back in a take charge role and she's going to be on the one ship that can give the Galactica a challenge, the rebel Cylon baseship. We've already seen images of Adama standing in an airlock from the previews before the second half of season four began, but I don't think they'll do in the old guy just yet. If anyone is taking an unprotected joyride into the final frontier, it'll be Felix or Zarak. Bodies are going to hit the floor (or the vacuum); it's just a question of whose.

7 out of 10

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